Portal 2.0 - Summer Release, user access and exit scenarios

www.coursecompass.com + Log in Scenarios
Instructor with CC account
Instructor with no CC or SMS Account
Instructor with CC Account + CKR Subscription (Communities portlet)
Instructor with CC Account + CKR Subscription (Communities tab)
Instructor with No CC Account & CKR subscription
Instructor SMS account (No CC account)
www.coursecompass.com + Register
Instructor with CC account
www.mypearson.com + Log In
Instructor with CC account
Instructor with no CC Account and no SMS account
Instructor with CC Account + CKR Subscription (Communities portlet)
Instructor with CC Account + CKR Subscription (Communities tab)
Instructor with No CC Account & No CKR subscription
Instructor SMS account (No CC account)

Last Modified: 3/22/07 CM