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Welcome to MyMathLab for College Mathematics for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences 10/e, by Raymond A. Barnett, Michael R. Ziegler, and Karl E. Byleen

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Course: Algebra Course 101 Posted by: Instructor Name Date: Mar 18, 2006 [ Modify ]

Click on Course Documents or Assignments to see the content described below.

  • A full range of assessment tools: a test, pre-test, chapter quiz, activities quiz, and essay questions, for every chapter, for a total of more than 6,000 questions which, when graded, can be instantly entered into the gradebook.
  • Extensive course documents for students: self-quizzes, activities (animations and interactive tutorials), Case Studies in the Process of Science, 80 videos, labeled and unlabeled art from the book, layered art, the Campbell Biology Interviews, web links, news links, news articles, further readings, objectives, key terms, word roots, summary of key concepts, and glossary with audio pronunciations.
  • Valuable resources for instructors to use in customizing their course: 1600 photos, 80 videos, labeled and unlabeled art from the book, layered art, animations, tables, PowerPoint slides (with photos, art, and tables) and Lecture Outlines (in Microsoft Word).
  • Links to the Tutor Center, the Biology Labs On-Line, and links to free or inexpensive photo archives.