Dear firstname,

Your CourseCompass course course name, course id has been created. You can access your course from your CourseCompass page at

Please save this course information for your records:
Course ID: courseid
Course Name: coursename
Course Materials: coursematerials
Description: coursedescription
Course Type: coursetype
Course Start Date: coursestartdate
Course End Date: courseenddate
Enrollment Start Date: enrollstartdate
Enrollment End Date: enrollenddate
Course Creation Date: coursecreatedate

During the Instructor Preview, while courses are being created, please allow for up to 6 hours to ensure that the CourseCompass Next Generation test system can process this request.

How to get Help

If you've forgotten your login information you may retrieve it at any time by emailing Pearson Product Management at

To review information about the CourseCompass Next Generation Instructor Preview, consult the Getting Started guide.

Instructors can help each other by accessing the CourseCompass Next Generation Instructor Forum on your MyPearson page.

Thank you for using CourseCompass Next Generation.

The CourseCompass Next Generation Team
