Pearson Portal & Community Technology Resource Forum

Dear Ron,

Welcome to the Pearson Portal & Community Technology Resource Forum e-newsletter for February 22 – February 28. This newsletter highlights all of the recent exciting activity occurring in the community.


What can we learn from the Facebook "who owns the content" fiasco? by Craig Marcus

Date Added: Feb 25, 2009

Should we, as the community developers, revisit our legal agreement to ensure that is it crystal clear to our users who "owns" the content that is uploaded in a community....

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Is it a blog? or a contribution? by Craig Marcus

Date Added: Feb 25, 2009

Since the Description field is required, I am writing something here. Otherwise I would have liked to keep it empty, so my contribution would appear to be more blog-like.

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Tips for Building Communities by Andy Trus

Date Added: Feb 20, 2009

This article has some simple, but good insights into building communities. This article has some simple, but good insights into building communities. This article has some simple, but good insights into building communities. This article has some simple, but good insights into building communities. This article has some simple, but good …..

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A shift in the use of e-mail on campus by Dan Walmsley

Date Added: Feb 18, 2009

While the article focuses on the use of personal vs. institution e-mail addresses, it begs - how will schools communicate with students in the future? A multi-pronged approach across e-mail, text, Facebook? …..

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The Three-E Strategy for Overcoming Resistance to Technological Change by Shelley McLaughlin

Date Added: Feb 18, 2009

Attached File: Three E Strategy for Overcoming Resistant to Technological Change.pdf

An article by Tom Haymes in the Educause Quarterly Winter 2008 Edition. "If you just build it, they won’t come—you need to shape users’ behavior by acknowledging their world view rather than your own as a technology …..

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